On Friday, April 9th and Saturday, April 10th, the Graduate Student History Association at New York University presents its first graduate student history conference titled "Solidarity: The 'Social' in Thought and Practice."
All sessions will take place in the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, 53 Washington Square South, between Thompson and Sullivan Streets, New York University, New York, NY 10012.
There is no registration fee for this conference.
William Sewell, University of Chicago
"What is 'the Social' in Social History?"
10:00 am - 12:00 pm SESSION ONE
Panel Title: "Working Class Solidarities: Tensions Between Work and Identity"
* Teal Rothschild, New School for Social Research, "Alliances Across Social Boundaries: An Analysis of Two Strikes in New York City, 1885-1921."
* Mark Thomas, York University, "Discourses of Solidarity and the Politics of Labour Movement Formation in Canada."
* William Kraus, West Virginia University, "Power, People, and Place: A Gramscian Analysis of Catholicism, Catholic Coal Miners, and the Fairmont Coal Field of West Virginia in the 1920s."
* Roni Gechtman, New York University, "Seeking Solidarity Across Ethnic and National Boundaries: The Polish Jewish Labor Bund and the 'National Question' Debate, 1919-1939."
1:30 - 3:00 pm SESSION TWO
Two concurrent panels
Panel Title: "Citizen Women: Organizing, Gender and the Nation"
* Stephanie Booth, University of Salford, "Nationalism and Gender in Britain and the Czech State around 1900."
* Jocelyn Olcott, Yale University, "Women's Organizing in Post-Revolutionary Mexico in the 1930s."
* Francisco M. Fuentes Millan, New York University, "Marti, Patria, and Women."
Panel Title: "The Natural Order of Society?: Biology & Theology,
Nations & Generations"
* Constantin Iordachu, Central European University, "Generational Solidarity: The 'Young Generation' in Romania between the Wars."
* Martin Nesvig, Yale University, "Mexican Visions of a 'Natural Order of the Sexes'."
* James Bjork, University of Chicago, "Neither German nor Pole: Catholicism and National Ambivalence in Upper Silesia, 1890-1914"
3:00 - 3:30 pm COFFEE BREAK
3:30 - 5:00 pm SESSION THREE
Two concurrent panels
Panel Title: "Controlling Communities, Communal Control: Solidarity as Hegemony and Resistance"
* Peter Kalliney, University of Michigan, "The Empire's Old Clothes: Community Policing in Britain."
* Eric Marshall, University of Georgia, "Chaos and Community in Resurrection City."
* Carol Keiko Matteson, Yale University, "Severing the 'Bonds among Men': Customary Property, Community Resistance, and the French Forest Code of 1827."
Panel Title: "Theorizing Solidarity: Classic Perspectives, Current Debates"
* Mark Brilliant, Stanford University, "Constructing Solidarity: The Liberal Cosmopolitan Response to the 'Culture Wars'."
* John Savage, New York University, "Solidarity and the Law in Turn-of-the-Century France."
* John-Justin McMurtry, York University, "Solidarity and the Life-World: Reflections on Herbert Marcuse."
Please feel free to circulate this announcement.
If you have questions or need more information, contact:
Jane Rothstein, jr231@is5.nyu.edu
Louis Anthes, lqa9210@is2.nyu.edu
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