Tagungen finden jedes Jahr im September in Coburg statt. Interessenten wenden sich bitte an den ersten Vorsitzenden der Prinz-Albert-Gesellschaft, Herrn Prof. Dr. Franz Bosbach.
Nächste Tagung: Zweiteilige Tagung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Victorian Society, London:
Teil 1: 8.-11. Juli 1999, Teil 2: 10./12. September 1999
Thema: Prinz Albert und die Entwicklung der Bildung in England und
Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert.
Prince Albert and the Development of Education in England and Germany in
the 19th Century
Ort: 8.-11. Juli: London, Lecture Theatre, Victoria & Albert Museum
10.-12. September: Coburg, Andromeda
Saal, Landesbibliothek, Schloß Ehrenburg
The London conference will focus on the education of children, at home and
at school, and on new forms of adult education, both in Technical and Design
Schools and through museums. It will compare and contrast developments in
England and Germany in the 19th century, paying particular attention to the
role of Prince Albert, and to the ways in which these developments are reflected
in surviving buildings of the period.
Thursday, 8 July
6.00 Albertopolis Walk, looking at the restored Albert
Memorial and the galaxy of educational institutions set up by, and in memory
of, the Prince Consort.
Friday, 9
Main Lecture Theatre, Victoria and Albert Museum
9.00 Registration
9.30 Welcome and Introduction in the presence of H.E.
the German Ambassador
Prince Albert and his work for Education, Science and the Arts
Hermione Hobhouse
10.15 Coffee
Session 1: "A frosty serenity and a smile like the sun in February": the
German Governess
10.45 German Governesses in England
Irene Hardach-Pinke, Marburg
Session 2: "Like snail unwillingly to school": Infant and Primary
11.15 "Germany presents the finest model in the world": E.B Robson and the
influence of German school planning in later 19th century
William Filmer-Sankey, The Victorian Society
11.45 The elementary school and its buildings in 19th century Berlin
Heidemarie Kemnitz, Berlin
12.15 Discussion
12.45 Lunch
Session 3: Different Traditions in Secondary Education in England and
2.00 The development of German Gymnasiums in the 19th
Hans Jürgen Apel, Bayreuth
2.30 Putting the S in the 3Rs: science and the English School
Bill Brock
3.00 "A new college worth of our aspirations and resources": Dulwich
College, William Rogers, Alfred Carver and Charles Barry
J.R. Piggott, Dulwich College
3.30 Tea
Session 4: Education and Training for Industry and Manufacture
4.00 Technical Education in 19th century Germany
Klaus Harney, Bochum
4.30 Putting South Kensington to work - the Department of Science
and Art
Anthony Burton, V&A
5.00 Design Education in the Provinces: converting principles into
Dorothy Bosomworth
6.30 Conference Reception (venue to be confirmed)
Saturday, 10
9.00 Depart from The Victorian Society, London W4, for a
full day coach tour, led by Hermione Hobhouse.
The tour will include Eton College (founded 1440, but undergoing important
reform, expansion and new building during the
19th century) and Royal Holloway College (founded 1879-87 by Thomas
Holloway as one of the earliest women's colleges
and equipped with stunning French Renaissance Buildings and a superb collection
of pictures). By kind permission of H.M.
The Queen, 40 people will visit the Royal Mausoleum at Frogmore. The
remainder will visit the Prince Consort's Library
at Aldershot (built and endowed by Albert in 1860, and maintained
at his expense to provide books on military history, strategy
and tactics for the education of the British army).
6.30 Return to The Victorian Society for optional supper and
Sunday, 11
9.00 Depart for morning coach tour of Board Schools and
other educational buildings in London, led by Andrew Saint,
12.30 Conference ends
Der Coburger Teil der gemeinsamen Konferenz befasst sich mit der Entwicklung der Universitäten in Deutschland und Großbritannien im 19. Jahrhundert, mit den Wissenschaftskontakten, der Literaturrezeption, dem studentischen Austausch sowie mit Prinz Albert als Student in Bonn und als Chancellor in Cambridge.
Donnerstag, 9.9.
ab 19.00 Uhr Zwangloses Treffen, Hotel Goldene Traube, Coburg
Freitag, 10.
Prof. Dr. Franz Bosbach
Dr. William Filmer-Sankey
Richard Dlouhy, Bürgermeister der Stadt Coburg
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Ruppert, Präsident der Universität
Verleihung des Duke of Gloucester's Essay Prize
Prof. Dr. Peter Wende, Director, German Historical Institute, London
1. Sektion: Die Universitäten im 19. Jahrhundert
Diskussionsleitung: Hermione Hobhouse (London)
10.00 Uhr Politics and Reform: The British Universities
Lord Asa Briggs (London)
10.30 Uhr Politik und Reform: Universitäten in Deutschland
Prof. Dr. Rainer A. Müller (Eichstätt)
11.00 Uhr Diskussion
11.30 Uhr Kaffeepause
2. Sektion: Prinz Albert und die Universität
Diskussionsleitung: Dr. William Filmer-Sankey (London)
12.00 Uhr Prinz Albert als Student in Bonn
Dr. Thomas Becker (Bonn)
12.30 Uhr Prince Albert and Cambridge University
Prof. Derek Beales (Cambridge)
13.00 Uhr Diskussion
13.30 Uhr Mittagspause
3. Sektion: Deutsch-britische Beziehungen: Geisteswissenschaften
Diskussionsleitung: Prof. Dr. Hermann Hiery (Bayreuth)
15.00 Uhr Hegel und die Philosophie des Common Law
Priv.Dozent Dr. Julian Roberts (München)
15.30 Uhr Determinanten der britischen Historismusrezeption
Patrick Bahners (Frankfurt a.Main)
16.00 Uhr Diskussion
19.30 Uhr Dinner im Parkrestaurant Rosenau, Rödental
Samstag, 11.9.
4. Sektion: Deutsch-britische Beziehungen: Naturwissenschaften
Diskussionsleitung: Prof. Dr. Uta Lindgren (Bayreuth)
9.00 Uhr "Evolution" in the 19th century - remarks on the history
of German-British/British-German relations
Prof. Dr. Olaf Breidbach (Jena)
9.30 Uhr German-British Relations in the History of
Nineteenth-Century Chemistry
Dr. Marc Finley (Savannah)
10.00 Uhr Diskussion
10.30 Uhr Kaffeepause
5. Sektion: Deutsch-britische Beziehungen: Literatur
Diskussionsleitung: Dr. John Davis (Kingston)
11.00 Uhr Shakespeare in Deutschland
Prof. Dr. Sabine Volk-Birke (Bamberg)
11.30 Uhr Goethe in Great Britain
Dr. Gerlinde Roder-Bolton (Surrey)
12.00 Uhr Diskussion
12.30 Uhr Mittagspause
14.00 Uhr Schlußvortrag:
Universitätsreform heute, University Reform - today
Prof. Keith Robbins (Lampeter)
15.00 Uhr Mitgliederversammlung der Prinz-Albert-Gesellschaft
Sonntag, 12.9. Exkursion
nach Gotha (Fahrtkosten: 20,-- DM)
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