Sunday, May 23 - Tuesday, May 25

Location: CEU Nador u. 9. Bldg. (May 23, 24)

Goethe Institut, Andrassy ut 24, Budapest VI. (May 25)

This international conference is presented by CEU's Program on Gender & Culture, in association with the OSI Network Women' s Program, the Goethe Institut and the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Budapest.

Confirmed participants include:

Sessions include:

*Pleasure, Power, Forces

*Pleasures of Politics/Politics of Pleasure

*Sacred Suffering and Other Pleasures

*Pleasures Ordered and Disordered

*Pleasure and Empowerment

*The Discreet Pleasures of Consumerism

*The (Un)pleasures of Representation

*Secrets of Pleasure

*From One Pleasure to an Other

All sessions are open to the public, but those who wish to attended are asked to RSVP by Friday, May 21.

For further information about this conference, please contact

Katrin Kremmler at the Program on Gender & Culture:

tel. 327-3034, e-mail: kremmler@ceu.hu

Quelle = Email <H-Soz-u-Kult>

From: H-NET Announcements Editor <announce@h-net.msu.edu>
Subject: CONF: "PLEASURE AND POWER", Budapest, May 23-25, 1999
Date: 18.5.1999

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