x-post: IuK-all@zib.de
Dear Colleague,
this is to invite you to participate at the International Workshop
at Jena, 22.-24.3.1999, Germany.
organized by the IuK Initiative for Information and Communication of the Learned Societies in Germany.
It will bring together scientists from all over the world active in working on the design of new services for the management of scientific information and communication in the future,- at the readers/authors site, at the institute/department level and at libraries, publishers, service providers. . Especially the need for dynamic interactive and communicating services and the response by the National Digital Library Programmes will be a focus.
There will be a FAIR attached to IuK99 for publishers and companies to present new service prototypes.
Please find the form for application to get registered on the server.
.This annual workshop of the IuK is hosted this year by the German Physical Society DPG.
Yours sincerely E.R. Hilf
Prof. Dr. E.R.HIlf, Fachbereich Physik, Carl von Ossietzky Universitaet D 26111 Oldenburg, Germany; tel./Fax: 0049-441-798-2543/3201
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