A Joint Colloquium
* of the Military History Study-Group (University of Freiburg)
* and the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Women and Gender at the
Technical University of Berlin
Financed by the German Research Foundation
In November 1997, a conference on "Historical Changes in the Military, War and the Gender Order (17th - 19th Centuries)", which was organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies of the Technical University of Berlin and the Study-Group "The Military and Society in the Early Modern Period", was held at the TU Berlin. The present follow-up conference seeks to pick up where its predecessor left off and to bring together the heretofore-separate fields of military history and gender history for the twentieth century as well. The objective of the colloquium is to present research in progress and to promote a discussion between military historians and scholars working in the field of women's and gender history of central issues in the gender history of war and the military in the twentieth century. The emphasis will be on the period between 1914 and 1949, i.e., during and after the two World Wars, and the geographical focus will be on Europe, particularly the German-speaking region. Against the background of the state of research, we hope to develop broader questions and approaches and to elucidate the theoretical and methodological problems in this field. In this way, the organizers hope that the conference will contribute to improving communications among the historians who are currently addressing this topic from a variety of perspectives.
The conference languages will be German and English.
Friday, 15 October 1999:
11:30 a.m. Registration at the conference office, coffee
1:00 p.m. The conference is opened by
Wilhelm Deist (University of Freiburg) and Karen Hagemann (TU Berlin)
I. Introduction: Military, War and Gender Relations
1:15 p.m. Ruth Seifert (Fachhochschule Regensburg):
Militaer, Krieg und Geschlecht. Analyse einer kulturellen und sozialen
(Military, War and Gender: Analyzing a Cultural and Social Construction)
1:45 p.m. Barton C. Hacker (Smithsonian Institution, Washington)
Military Institutions, War, and Gender since the Eighteenth Century: Reflections
on Three Centuries of Historical Change
2:15 p.m. Discussion, moderated by Karen Hagemann (TU Berlin)
3:00 p.m. Coffee break
II. Images of Women - Images of Men
3:15 p.m. Christan Koller (University of Zurich):
Krieg, Rasse und Geschlecht: Konstruktion von Rassen- und Geschlechterbildern
in der Kolonialtruppendiskussion der Jahre 1914 bis 1923 im
deutsch-franzoesischen Vergleich
(War, Race and Gender: The Construction of Race and Gender Images in the
Discussion About Colonial Troops During the Years 1914-1923 - A German-French
3:45 p.m. Comment: Liz Harvey (University of Liverpool)
3:55 p.m. Discussion, moderated by Stefanie Schueler-Springorum (TU Berlin)
4:25 p.m. Coffee break
4:40 p.m. Annette Timm (University of British Columbia)
"Dank seiner Manneszucht": The Military, Venereal Disease and the Post-World
War I Sexual Crisis
5:10 p.m. Comment: Kathleen Canning (University of Michigan)
5:20 p.m. Discussion, moderated by Wilhelm Deist (University of Freiburg)
8:30 p.m. Dinner
Saturday, 16 October 1999:
III. Gender Relations - Gender Hierarchies
9:00 a.m. Bianca Schoenberger (Oxford University)
Gender Relations and Gender Hierarchies in the Army Medical Service: The
Red Cross Nurses in First World War Germany
9:30 a.m. Comment: Christa Haemmerle (University of Vienna)
9:40 a.m. Discussion, moderated by Stig Foerster (University of Bern)
10:10 a.m. Coffee break
10:25 a.m. Thomas Kuehne (University of Bielefeld)
Der Mythos der Kameradschaft. Deutsche Soldaten im Zweiten Weltkrieg in
kulturgeschichtlicher Perspektive
(The Myth of Comradeship: German Soldiers in the Second World War from the
Perspective of Cultural History)
10:55 a.m. Comment: Robert Nelson (University of Cambridge)
11:05 a.m. Discussion, moderated by Eve Rosenhaft (University of Liverpool)
11:35 a.m. Coffee break
1:50 p.m. Birgit Beck (University of Bern)
Krieg gegen die Frauen. Vergewaltigungen durch deutsche Soldaten im Zweiten
(War against Women: Rapes by German Soldiers in the Second World War)
12:20 p.m. Comment: Andrea Peto (The Central European University Budapest)
12:30 p.m. Discussion, moderated by Bernhard K. Kroener (University of Potsdam)
1:00-2:00 p.m. Lunch
IV. Experiences - Memories
2:00 p.m. Sabine Kienitz (University of Tuebingen)
Kriegsinvaliditaet und Maennlichkeitserfahrung im Ersten Weltkrieg
(War Disability and Experiences of Masculinity in World War I)
2:30 p.m. Comment: Paul Lerner (University of Southern California)
2:40 p.m. Discussion, moderated by: Alan Kramer (Trinity College Dublin)
3:10 p.m. Coffee break
3:25 p.m. Birthe Kundrus (University of Oldenburg)
Geschlechterkrieg? Der Erste Weltkrieg und seine Folgen fuer die
Geschlechterverhaeltnisse in Deutschland
(A War Between the Sexes? The First World War and its Consequences for Gender
Relations in Germany)
3:55 p.m. Comment: Richard Bessel (University of York)
4:05 p.m. Discussion, moderated by Ruediger Overmans (University of Freiburg)
4:35 p.m. Coffee break
4:45 p.m. Frank Biess (Brown University)
Die Heimkehr der Kriegsgefangenen aus der Sowjetunion
nach Ost- und Westdeutschland
(The Return of Prisoners of War from the Soviet Union to East and West Germany)
5:15 p.m. Comment: Carola Sachse (TU Berlin)
5:25 p.m. Discussion, moderated by Karin Hausen (TU Berlin)
6:00 p.m. Closing discussion
Comment: Gerd Krumeich (University of Duesseldorf)
Militaer, Krieg und Geschlechterverhaeltnisse im 20. Jahrhundert - Eine Bilanz
(Military, War and Gender Relations in the Twentieth Centuries - Some
6:20 p.m. Discussion, moderated by Marcus Funck (TU Berlin)
7:00 p.m. End of conference
7:30 p.m. Dinner
o Karen Hagemann
Zentrum fuer Interdisziplinaere Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung an der
Technischen Universitaet Berlin
o Stefanie Schueler-Springorum
Institut fuer Geschichtswissenschaft an der Technischen Universitaet Berlin
o Marcus Funck
Institut fuer Geschichtswissenschaft an der Technischen Universitaet Berlin
Conference fee:
Should it prove impossible to obtain complete financing for the conference, a conference fee of DM 35 will be charged. This will be payable at the conference and will defray the cost of organization and refreshments.
A registration is necessary.
We request that you register for the conference by 31 May 1999 if you would like us to reserve a hotel room for you at the special price of DM 110 per night (single room with shower and TV). Otherwise, you must register by 1 September 1999. Please include your name, institution, street address, city, telephone, fax and e-mail. Registrations will be handled in the order received.
Please send registration requests to:
* Marcus Funck
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