Becoming delinquent: European Youth 1850-1950. Conference Programme

DAY ONE - 9th April

9.00-9.45 Registration

9.45-10.00 Welcome

10.00-11.30 Session 1

Session 1. Continuity and change (Chair John Beattie)

11.30-11.45 Coffee

11.45-1.15 Sessions 2a and 2b

Session 2a. Criminologies
Chris Leonards (Maastricht)

Border crossings in the European realm of juvenile care: the genesis of a new concept of the criminal child in the discourse on juvenile care in the 19th century

Session 2b. Prosecution Patterns

1.15-2.15 Lunch

2.15-3.45 Sessions 3a and 3b

Session 3a. Gender

Session 3b. Institutions

3.45-4.15 Tea

4.15-5.45 Session 4

Session 4. Violence

7.00-9.00 Dinner

DAY TWO - 10th April Sessions 5a and 5b

Session 5a. Transportation

Session 5b. Respectability

11.00-11.15 Coffee

11.15-12.45 Sessions 6a and 6b

Session 6a. Social breakdown and reform

Session 6b. Elites

12.45-2.00 Lunch

2.00-3.30 Sessions 7a and 7b

Session 7a. Street culture

Session 7b. Extremes

3.30-4.00 Tea

4.00-5.30 Session 8

Session 8. Plenary panel

Participants tba

Quelle = Email <H-Soz-u-Kult>

From: H-Net Announcements Editor <>
Subject: Konferenz: Becoming delinquent: European Youth 1850-1950
Date: 9.3.1999

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