Becoming Delinquent: European Youth 1650-1950

Two day international conference, 9-10 April 1999

University of Cambridge

An international conference with speakers from Europe and North America analysing the question of delinquency across the continent between the 17th and 20th centuries.

Themes include:

Criminologies, Elites, Ethnographies, Gender, Imagery, Institutions, Panics, Prosecutions, Reform, Street Life, Violence, War.

Speakers include:

Peter Becker (Florence), Bernd Weisbrod (Gottingen), John Springhall (Ulster), Peter King (Nene), Linda Mahood (Guelph), Mary Gibson (New York), Chris Leonards (Maastricht), Paul Griffiths (Leicester)


Astri Andresen (Bergen), Maria Boes (West Chester), Jenneke Christiaens (Brussels), Pamela Cox (Essex), Andrew Davies (Liverpool), Ulf Drugge (Umea), Sarah Fishman (Houston), Joel Harrington (Vanderbilt), Mats Jacobsson (Umea), Frank Kebbedies (Bielefeld), Avril Kyle (Monash), Campbell Lloyd (Glasgow), Verena Lippold (Gottingen), Cat Nilan (Arizona), Benjamin Roberts (Groningen), Svetlana Siderenko-Stevenson (Essex), Heike Schmidt (Hamburg), Heather Shore (Cambridge), Howard Taylor (Cambridge), Carolyn Taylor (Manchester), Deborah Thom (Cambridge), Valentina Tikoff (DePaul), Ann-Marie Turnbull (Goldsmiths)

To register:

1) complete the email booking form below and return it to

2) send your booking fee (cheques in pounds sterling only), made payable to 'Juvenile Delinquency Conference' to Dr Pam Cox, Department of History, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO3 4SQ, UK

If you have any queries, please contact Dr Pam Cox:
tel +44 (0)1206 873333
fax: +44 (0)1206 873757

Booking form

I wish to register for the 'Becoming Delinquent: European Youth 1650-1950' conference, to be held at the University of Cambridge 9-10 April 1999.







We can offer you the choice of a residential package or a non-residential package. If you choose the non-residential package you must arrange your own accommodation.
Please indicate your choice by entering 'x' in the appropriate box below.

Residential package includes:


conference registration fee and abstracts of papers

9 April - lunch, dinner, accommodation in university college room
10 April - breakfast, lunch

[ ] I wish to register for the residential package and will send a cheque (in sterling) for 85 pounds.

Non-residential package includes:


conference registration fee and abstracts of papers

9 April - lunch, dinner
10 April - lunch

[ ] I wish to register for the non-residential package and will send a cheque (in sterling) for 55 pounds.

Extra accommodation


Extra accommodation is available for the nights of the 8th and 10th April at a cost of 23 pounds per night. This will include breakfast the following morning.

[ ] I wish to book extra accommodation for the night of 8 April

[ ] I wish to book extra accommodation for the night of 10 April

Extra requirements


[ ] I will require vegetarian meals

[ ] I will require car parking



I will send a cheque (in sterling) for [ ] pounds to confirm my booking.

(please add the cost of extra accommodation if required)



We expect to be able to offer a small number of bursaries to students and to unwaged people to help cover costs. The deadline for applications is 9 December 98. If you wish to apply, please insert an 'x' in this box, and we will send you details of the bursary scheme.

[ ] I am a student/unwaged and wish to apply for a bursary.

Please return this form as soon as possible, and NOT LATER than 9 March 1999. No booking is confirmed until registration fee has been paid. Further details will be sent to you once we have received your booking form and fee.

Thank you again for your interest.

Quelle = Email <H-Soz-u-Kult>

From: H-German Editor Jay Lockenour <>
Subject: Konferenz: European Delinquency / Cambridge - April 1999
Date: 10.11.1998

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