L'histoire en débat. History under Debate.
Scientific and organisational committee:
Carlos BARROS (Universidade de Santiago, Instituto Padre Sarmiento-CSIC)
Israel SANMARTÍN (Instituto Padre Sarmiento-CSIC)
Sponsored by
Consellería de Cultura, Comunicación Social e Turismo da Xunta de Galicia, within the framework of the Plan Xacobeo 99
We are pleased, once again, to invite researchers from all over the world to follow the Road to Santiago in this Jubilar Year to debate the state of History at the threshold a new millenium.
The first edition of History under Debate' (1993) focused on the fall of the Berlin Wall and the proclamation of the end of History. At the time of this second conference of History under Debate, and despite the short lapse of time since our last conference, we are living through a return to History, a history with renewed values of humanity and peace, of justice and solidarity, both global and social. And is it not true that when history changes, its writing changes as well?
We wish to bring up to date reflections and debates on methodology and epistemology of History, to further new research approaches, to help shape historiography as an increasingly important field of study, to fight the fragmentation of our discipline, to promote the globalisation of the history being written . . .
It is our aim, above all, to go beyond the crisis of history' by encouraging alternatives, opening new paradigms or consensus to direct the historian through the new century, something which will only be possible if, at the same time, we meet society once again, somehow taking upon our shoulders the responsibility of History before the problems of a changing world, beginning with our problems as researchers and history teachers.
I. Political uses of history
A. Assessment of 20th History
B. Myths, historiography and nationalism
C. Chiapas and History
D. Sexuality, History and politics
E. The historian and the power
II. What is the use of history now?
F. The debate of humanities: assesment and perspectives
G. The historian, ethics and social commitment
H. History, employment and generational renewal
I. The University: access to teaching and teaching career
III. Science, postmodernity, a new rationality
J. Is History still a science?
K. History and discourse, narrative and fiction
L. Postmodernity, History and New Enlightment
IV. Interfaces of history
M. Interdisciplinarity under debate
N. Is the division of History in chronological areas obsolete ?
O. Men and women: a common History ?
P. Theory and History: a difficult relationship
V. Latin historiographies
Q. Galician Historiography under debate
R. The future of Spanish historiography
S. Latin American historiography and its identity
I. Turn of the century
1. Assessment of 20th century historiographies
2. The crisis of History, a change in paradigms
3. Return of the social subject and the end of violence
4. Mentality, otherness and multiculturalism
5. Pasts and presents, pasts and futures
II. New Paradigms
6. History in the 21st century: new approaches
7. How can history be made global ?
8. New technologies and the writing of History
9. Ecologic History, General History
10. What History should be taught in the new century ?
III. Historiographic problems
11. Historiography: definition and history of the science
12. History, historiography and globalisation
13. Post-colonial historiographies
14. The work of a historian: sociability, material conditions and mass
15. Historical specialities: convergencies and cross-section relationships
*Ordinary fee: 10,000 pts
*Fee with a right to conference report: 20,000 pts
Forms of payment:
*bank cheque
*postal order ( enclose receipt copy)
*bank transfer to the a/c number 2080-0156-0040005041 of Caixavigo (enclose
copy of receipt).
*credit card (to indicate type, number and date of expire) Please return
the completed enrollement form provided below prior to 15 June 1999 There
will be a 50% discount in enrollement fees for students and unemployed graduates
( enclose relevant documentation) and for all those who return the completed
International Enquiry The State of History' that will be posted and
which will also be avaliable on Internet (Web Site -still under construction
Assistance certificates will be issued.
Those inscribed are entitled to submit papers in the thematic sections. They should forward the title together with a one-page abstract on inscription. the complete text ( original and a copy on paper and a WordPerfect or Word disk) up to a maximum of 20 pages ( DIN A4 double-spaced) prior to 1 May 1999. Those enrolled are entitled to propose in writing contributions in the different round tables, each of them summarized in one sheet ( except for exceptional cases) prior to 1 May 1999. Abstracts will be circulated before and during the conference. Fifty out of the one hundred speakers scheduled to participate in the conference, both in the thematic sections and the round tables will be selected among those enrolled who send along with their paper a summarised c/v ( one sheet). They will be entitled to a 25,000pts travel grant (provided they come from outside Galicia) and a copy of the Conference. Report together with an offprint of their paper ( provided it has been read personally). Those papers that are not chosen will be summarised in the corresponding thematic section. Empirical works that do not adapt to the contents of the conference, which is specifically devoted to reflection , historiography, methodology and debate- whatever their quality or origin- will not be accepted as contributions.
We will accept papers in any of the main languages of Europa, America and of course the Iberian Peninsule. However, simultaneous translation will only offered for Spanish,French and English.
The paralel conference sessions in Internet will be announced in due course.
For accommodation reservations and plane tickets
Plaza Fonterrabía nº 3
15702 Santiago de Compostela
tel. 981-572880
fax 981-572867
E-mails: vatlanti@jet.es / info@atlantico.congresos.com
.... ......Name......................Age.......................
.... .....................................................................
Post Code...................................City............................. .... ........
.... ....................................E-mail...................
Occupation....................................Place of work......................................................................
Enrollment fee: 5.000 pts 10.000 pts 20.000 pts.
Form of payment: check postal order transfer credit card Requests 50% discount
student graduate students witout job inquiry colaboration Submits papers
with the following
.... .................. Submits contributes in the round tables with the following titles....................................................
Information and inscription:
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