Please be advised that a symposium on contemporary architectural history in relation to theory, criticism and building practice will take place at Columbia University, on april 3rd. We would like to see you among us. I am sending the program.
Esra Akcan
A Symposium Organized by the Ph.D. Students in the history and theory of
Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and
Preservation, New York
Avery Hall,
10.00: Introduction by BERNARD TSCHUMI
10.15: Session 1
DENISE SCOTT BROWN: A Worm's Eye View of Recent Architectural History with Some Observations on Architectural Historiography
RICHARD INGERSOLL: Reflections on the Ironic Order, or Who Gets the Last Laugh in Architecture
BEN NICHOLSON: Loaf House and Laurentian Library: Vapid Boxes for Fugitive Information
Respondent: Gwendolyn Wright
Moderator: David Rifkind
1.30: Session 2
DANIEL BERTRAND MONK: The Crisis before the Last Crisis: on Architecture and the historiography of violence
JOAN OCKMAN: Film/Flower/Flow: Mass Productions, Body Spectacles (Rereading Kracauer's "Mass Ornament")
ACKBAR ABBAS: Play It Again Shanghai: Urban Preservation in the Global Era
Respondent: Kenneth Frampton
Moderator: Ioanna Theocharoupoulou
3.30: SESSION 3
ALBERTO PEREZ-GOMEZ: Hermeneutics as Architectural Discourse
VINCENT PECORA: The Myth of 'die Jetztzeit' and the Critique of Empty Time
ANTHONY VIDLER: The Last Things After the Last
Respondent: Mary McLeod
Moderator: Esra Akcan
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