(x-post H-Sci-Med-Tech)
Private Time, Private Space, Private Parts: Negotiating the Boundaries of Private and Public in History
The boundary separating the private from the public shifts constantly; it is contested and historically bound. The 1999 University of Delaware Hagley Fellows Conference will focus on this cultural process. How have individuals and communities defined and negotiated this boundary? With whom have they negotiated? What have been the roles of institutions, businesses, and governments in shaping the meaning of this boundary in the realms of politics, law, the workplace, and the home? To what extent have notions of the private and the public influenced, and to what extent have such notions been influenced by, developing individual and group identities in matters of sexuality, race, ethnicity, and religion? How have people used architecture, technologies, literature, and mass culture to maintain and subvert the boundary between the private and the public? We welcome papers that explore these historically vital issues.
Please submit paper proposals of no more that 500 words and a brief CV to
Hagley Fellows Conference/Attention Deborah Kreiser/Department of History, University of Delaware/236 Munroe Hall/Newark, DE 19716 (302) 831-2371.
The deadline for receipt of paper proposals is
Funds may be available to defray presenters' travel costs.
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