First Announcement and Call for Papers
Memorial Conference
The Hungarian Sociological Association is pleased to announce ist Memorial Conference dedicated to social studies on the first decade in the post-socialist transformation process.
The Conference aims to bring together researchers from a wide range of backgrounds to discuss the present and future directions of the Eastern and Central European transition. The key challenge for this Conference is how we can rethink traditional concepts about the performance of social, economic and political order and social relations in the process of radical transformation of the region.
We are interested in examining pivotal issues in the analysis of social transformation (transition studies) from an inter-disciplinary perspective. Papers exploring the following questions, either from theoretical viewpoint or through current research, are welcome:
From protocapitalism to postsocialism - transformation of concepts about transformation
From organised disorder to disorganised order: Social frames and social strategies in the New Central and Eastern Europe
What holds the new society in place?
Dilemmas of periodisation - do they have in the late 19ies any sense?
If [post]modern societies are able to survive on much less structure, cohesion or foundation than social theorists have generally assumed, how much cement, how much "existence" does the social order actually need?
Social mobilization and demobilization: what are the theoretical/methodological advantages of using a historical perspective in studying patterns of social mobilization?
New perspectives on power and social difference often rattle existing understandings of anti-systemic agency. In what ways? This set of questions has been reduced in the past to a debate between "evolutionary" and "revolutionary" positions. How can we best analyse such debates as artifacts of world-historical processes? Are there alternative ways of posing these questions that suggest innovations in the study of long-term, large-scale social change?
Old and new markers and division lines between economics and politics?
The Conference Organisers plan to invite also social activists, reformers, political leaders and international experts playing significant role in the actual transformation processes of the region in the last decade.
Laszlo CSEH-SZOMBATHY (Budapest), Chair
Mihaly CSAKO (Budapest)
Lubomir FALTAN (Bratislava)
Boris FIRSOV (St. Petersburg)
Erno GAAL (Cluj)
Nicolai GENOV (Sofia)
Michal ILLNER (Prague)
Vladimir JADOV (Moscow)
Imre KOVACH (Budapest)
Denes NEMEDI (Budapest)
Laslo SEKELJ (Belgrade)
Endre SIK (Budapest)
Grazyna SKAPSKA (Cracow)
Ivan SZELENYI (Los Angeles)
Pal TAMAS (Budapest)
Wlodzimierz WESOLOWSKI (Warsaw)
The Conference sessions will take place in four main streams. The streams will accommodate the sections and round-tables (some of these plan one, others plan more sessions):
Theme I: Elements of the New Social Order (Visions, Prospects and Realities)
Theme II: Structure and Institutions
Theme III: Transformations of the Everyday Life - New Styles and Orientations
Theme IV: The New World of Work
Sections and Round Tables (organisers)
1. Social stratification and mobility in the 1990s (Peter Robert)
2. The distribution and re-distribution of incomes, consumption and wealth (Istvan Gyorgy Toth)
3. Institutionalisation of the new political system, legitimacy and party system (Jozsef Bayer)
4. National strategies and EU-Enlargement (Andras Inotai)
5. Social Policies of the post-socialism (Julia Szalai)
6. New economic actors and institutions in Eastern & Central Europe (Gyorgy Lengyel)
7. Organizational innovation and organizational power in the privatized enterprises (Csaba Mako)
8. The role of trade unions in the post-1989 economic and social policies (Mihaly Csako)
9. The East European historiography and the post-1989 transformation (Attila Pok)
10. Collective memories - strategies of remembering (Denes Nemedi)
11. Rural transformation and innovation (Imre Kovach)
12. Social change and urban restructuring in Central Europe (Viktoria Szirmai)
13. Sociology of gender, new feminist movements (Andrea Peto)
14. Educational reforms of the 90ies (Tamas Kozma)
15. Church and religion in the post-transformation Central Europe (Miklos Tomka)
16. Ethnopolitics, the ethnical dimensions of social inequalities (Gyorgy Csepeli)
17. The media transformation, as integral part of social reforms (Janos Horvat)
18. Minorities in Eastern Europe: a hidden dimension of transformation (Laszlo Szarka)
19. The R&D system: a resource for the catching-up societies and economies (Pal Tamas)
Abstracts not exceeding one page (size A4) should be submitted in English as soon as possible but by 15 May 1999, at the latest. Proposals for other types of contributions (to: are also encouraged.
Abstract submission is possible via internet (preferred)
e-mail to: (less preferred)
fax to: +361 386 9378 (worst case)
The abstract should clearly contain the title of the paper, the list of author[s] (including snail mail, e-mail, fax number of the corresponding author) and session designation (number and name).
The official language of the Conference is English.
The Conference will be held in the magnificent premises of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, situated on the bank of the Danube near the Chain Bridge
(called Lanchid in Hungarian). The address is: 1051 Budapest, Roosevelt ter
[square] 9.
The Conference venue is within walking distance from the Budapest Downtown.
The registration fee for the Conference is USD 70. The approx. rate is: 1
USD=230 HUF (Hungarian forint).
Please pre-register on the enclosed Preliminary Reply Form.
Should you need hotel reservation, please find below a list of recommended hotels and contact the preferred one directly.
Hotel Taverna****
H-1052 Budapest, Vaci u. 20.
Phone: +361 485 3100
Fax: +361 485 311110-minute walking distance from the Conference venue
Hotel Erzsebet***
H-1053 Budapest, Karolyi Mihaly u. 11-15.
Phone: +361 328 5700
Fax: +361 328 5763 15-minute walking distance
Best Western Hotel Art***
H-1053 Budapest, Kiralyi Pal u. 12.
Phone: +361 266 2166
Fax: +361 266 2170 15-minute walking distance
Buda Center Hotel**
H-1027 Budapest, Csalogany u. 23.
Phone: +361 201 6333
Fax: +361 201 7843 by public transport
Radio Inn Budapest**
H-1068 Budapest, Benczur u. 19.
Phone: +361 322 0237
Fax: +361 322 8284 by public transport
For other hotel, please visit the "Hungarian Tourism Web Site" at:
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