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Second Call -Short Version


Long Term Dynamics of Social Metabolism

International Conference

September, 30th, - October, 2nd, 1999 Vienna, Austria


Marina Fischer-Kowalski, IFF Vienna, Austria
Rolf-Peter Sieferle, Mannheim University, Germany
Eugene Rosa, Washington State University, USA


Stephen Boyden, Nature and Society Forum, Canberra, Australia

Mark Hambley, Ambassador to the U.N., Washington, D.C., USA

Ilona Kickbusch, Yale University, USA

Ulrich Mueller-Herold, Technological University Zuerich, Switzerland


1. Population and Health:

What are the different dynamics of population growth in different cultures? Are there universal tendencies in demography? Are people becoming more healthy? Are there new risks for infections due to changing conditions for microorganisms?

Invited Chairs: Alfred Crosby, N.N.

2. Cities and Settlements:

Are there historical tendencies of living conditions in towns as e.g. sanitation, water supply, garbage disposal, transport? How will transport and communication infrastructure shape future settlement patterns?

Invited Chairs: Paul Brunner and Clemens Zimmermann

3. Traditions in Coping with Nature:

Are the historically new patterns of industrial metabolism based upon in particular cultural traditions in the relationship with nature? Does the "industrial society" represent a specific "Western way of life"? Which other patterns have historically evolved? What does this mean for sustainable development?

Chairs: Aromar Revi and Thomas Macho

4. Risk, Crises and Continuities:

What were the crises and continuities most important for the economic or ecological transition of the past 200 years? How did material flow and risk management change over time? Which major ecological, economic or social crises will be the most significant for the future?

Invited Chairs: Mary Douglas and Christian Pfister

5. Using and Shaping the Land:

What is the relationship between land use and social metabolism? How did societies in the past use and shape the land? What are the ecological impacts of globalization especially since the time of discoveries? What is the relation between land use and global change?

Invited Chairs: William Cronon and Bill Turner II

6. Energetic and Material Metabolism:

What happened in the transformation from the solar to the fossil-fuel society? How did the material metabolism change over the past 200 years? What are the technological and economic implications of changes in material and energy use? How will our energetic and material future look like?

Chairs: Joan Martinez-Alier and Carlo Jaeger

SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: February 1st, 1999.

The conference will be hosted by the

Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Austrian Universities - IFF - Social Ecology, Vienna, Austria

E-mail: barbara.smetschka@univie.ac.at

Further information: http://www.univie.ac.at/iffsocec

Quelle = Email <H-Soz-u-Kult>

From: barbara.smetschka@univie.ac.at
Subject: CFP: Conference 99 "Nature, Society and History"
Date: 24.12.1998

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