The 1999 annual meeting of the Society for Military History
The conference's all inclusive theme will be "War in History, Myth, and Memory: An End-of-Millennium Retrospective." Proposals for individual papers and complete sessions on any topic in "old" or "new" military history are equally welcome. We especially seek paper and panel proposals that address major historiographical questions and interpretive themes that have set the standards for research in military history in the past. We also seek papers and panels that suggest or explore new questions and methods for future research in military history, especially those that draw upon cross-period, cross-discipline and/or cross-service approaches.
For consideration of an individual paper, submit a brief (1-2 page) abstract and a brief vita. For consideration of a complete panel, submit a brief (1-2 page) abstract and a brief vita of each presenter.
Send proposals to
Professor Carol Reardon, 1999 SMH Conference,
Department of History, Penn State University,
University Park, PA 16802.
Refer Questions to Professor Reardon at 814-863-2658 [office], at 814-865-1367 [History Department], or [e-mail].
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