Conference on Gender and Rural Transformations in Europe: Past, Present and Future Prospects
14-17 October, 1999
Wageningen, The Netherlands
Profound transformations are occurring in rural Europe - Western, Central and Eastern. New policies around the environment, social security and equal opportunity are provoking profound economic, social and environmental adjustment in rural areas. They are deeply affecting the identities as well as working and living conditions of rural people. At the same time, these changes are stimulating important initiatives resulting in new forms of pluri-activity, means to protect nature, food supplies, and the landscape, and changing social relations.
Considering existing gender inequalities in rural communities and households, it is certain that past and current developments are gender-differentiated. Rural women throughout Europe continue to have limited access to all kinds of resources - economic, political and cultural. The risks of increasing gender inequalities is great, and rural women may have relatively less chance to benefit from the opportunities and to influence these processes according to their own visions.
At the Conference, scholars and special invites throughout Western and Central and Eastern Europe will present and discuss gender research from various disciplinary and regional perspectives. They will exchange views among themselves and with others who will be invited to hear, discuss and critique the findings as well as their practical and political implications.
The conference will be structured around two major themes, with three sub-themes each. Theme I: Gender in rural households, livelihoods and economies Theme II: Gender and rural environments, cultures and living spaces
Abstracts for papers should be about 300 words in length. Proposals for other types of contributions are also encouraged. The deadline for abstracts and other proposals is extended to 1 April, 1999, (was 15 February) but please pre-register and mention your preliminary paper title as soon as possible! Visit the conference website and pre-register at:
For circulars and further information:
Margreet van der Burg, Conference Coordinator
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