The Cold War History Group (COWHIG) at the University of California, Santa Barbara, announces a call for papers for its fourth annual graduate student conference on the Cold War, to be held on the campus of UCSB May 21-22, 1999.
COWHIG is pleased to welcome Professor George Herring (University of Kentucky) as the keynote speaker. He will address the issue of synthesizing traditional diplomatic history with new approaches to U.S. foreign relations.
All proposals and inquiries about the conference should be sent by email to Richard Fogarty, conference coordinator:
The deadline for paper proposals is DECEMBER 15, 1998.
The Cold War History Group also invites faculty participation as commentators and panel chairs. If you would like to participate in this way, please contact Richard Fogarty, conference coordinator:
Proposals for papers dealing with the Cold War are welcomed from graduate students in any discipline. Our goal is to provide a forum for a diverse and far-reaching discussion of Cold War history. In addition to diplomatic and international topics, we welcome papers that address social and cultural dimensions of Cold War history.
Please include the following information with your proposal: a one-page abstract of the paper, a brief curriculum vitae, and contact information.
The Cold War History Group is dedicated to promoting discussion and the exchange of ideas on topics related to the study of the Cold War, broadly conceived, and acts as a forum to discuss research in progress. COWHIG draws its participants from a range of historical perspectives and academic disciplines. In addition to the annual student conference, COWHIG sponsors special events including guest lectures and graduate student workshops led by recognized experts in the field. Last year, COWHIG's guests included Robert McMahon, Norman Naimark, Timothy Naftali, John Lewis Gaddis, Vladislav Zubok, Chen Jian, David Wolff, and H.W. Brands. This year, COWHIG is sponsoring two special workshops, one on Japan and the Cold War (Fall 1998) and the other on Vietnam (Winter 1999). The co-convenors of COWHIG are Professors Fred Logevall and Tsuyoshi Hasegawa.
For further information visit our web page (in the process of being updated):
We are pleased to note that several graduate student papers presented at previous conferences have been accepted for publication. We hope to have continued success!
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