CSS2000 is the Eighth Annual Conference of the Association for Computers and the Social Sciences, a professional organization now in its eighth year, dedicated to promoting research and scholarly exchange on social science computer applications, use of technology in social science education, and the study of social impacts and issues related to information technology.
CSS2000 will take place entirely online, providing state-of-the-art coverage and professional development opportunities for the entire month from April 15 through May 15, 2000. This document is its call for papers and participation.
CSS 2000 is organized around three tracks, one dealing with the research uses of computing in social science, one dealing with instructional uses, and one dealing with the study of the social impacts of computing. The general theme is "Social Science in the New Millennium," focusing on how information technology is transforming the social sciences.
All papers will receive peer review during the online conference itself. It is expected that selected, revised papers will be published in print form for each of the three tracks. Publication may take the form of special issues of the Social Science Computer Review or book anthology format to be arranged.
Paper proposals, workshop proposals, electronic poster session proposals, and proposals to serve as a discussant or moderator are solicited in e-mail format to the conference chairperson, G. David Garson, at David_Garson@ncsu.edu. Telephone inquiry is also welcomed, at 919-515-3067. Paper proposals are due by December 15, 1999, but earlier submissions will be given priority. Please mark submissions "CSS 2000" in the subject line of your e -mail. Final versions of accepted proposals will be due in electronic format by March 31, 2000.
CSS 2000 is held in association with the Social Science Computer Review, a peer-reviewed publication now in its 17th year. For further information on SSCORE, go to its websites, http://www.sagepub.com/Shopping/Journal.asp or http://hcl.chass.ncsu.edu/sscore/sscore.htm.
For further information about the CSS 2000 Computers and the Social Sciences Eighth Annual Conference, go to its website, http://www2.chass.ncsu.edu/css2000/.
Computational Approaches to Advancing Social Science Research Methodology
* Computer-assisted survey research
* Content analysis
* Data visualization
* Digital libraries
* Event history analysis
* Expert systems
* Geographic information systems
* Multi-level analysis
* Neural network analysis
* Simulation
* Structural equation modeling
* Other topics welcome
Information Technology on Social Science: Educational Strategies for the New Millennium
* Collaborative writing online
* Electronic discussion lists, bulleting boards, and chat rooms
* Fostering critical thinking skills with online teaching
* Intelligent tutoring
* Internet research for students
* Mentoring online
* Multimedia uses
* Quality standards
* Online simulations
* Support services
* Other topics welcome
Information Technology and the Transformation of Everyday Life: A Research Anthology
* Global impacts
* Inequality in computing
* Information culture
* Information systems and organizational theory
* Information technology and social capital
* Online addiction
* Organizational impacts
* Political impacts
* Privacy issues
* Telecommuting
* Other topics welcome
David Garson
Tel. (919) 515-3067
Fax (919) 515-7333
E-mail David_Garson@ncsu.edu
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