One hundred years ago in 1899, Georg Simmel published what has now been translated as his Philosophy of Money. The book addresses the phenomenon of money, not from the point of view of classical or neo-classical theory, but rather from a philosophical point of view -- yet there are many interesting insights for economists from this approach. In particular, the current debate about the introduction of a common European currency has raised many issues which cannot seriously be addressed by economists with their standard approaches, as the economists' answers do not match the general public's questions. In this sense, Simmel's work has gained a freshness which only a few years ago could not have been anticipated.
Efforts are on the way to organize a conference digging more deeply into the significance of Simmel's work from a contemporary point of view. A conference will be held in Berlin on 8.9. and 10 October 1999 at the Berlin Business School (Fachhochschule fuer Wirtschaft), convened jointly by the Maastricht University and the Berlin Business School. Hans Joachim Stadermann of the Berlin Business School will take care of the local arrangements.
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