
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine,

University of Manchester, Mathematics Tower,

Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL




Monday, January 11

17:00 - 19:00

Reception, CHSTM Library (Maths Tower, Room 3.29)

Tuesday, January 12

10:00 - 11:30

Session 1

* Sam Alberti, Leeds: The practice of biology in late Victorian Yorkshire

* Alison Kraft, Manchester: Biology research and teaching at Manchester University

* Jim Endersby, Cambridge: Putting plants in their place: Joseph Hooker's Botany of the Antarctic Voyage

* Aileen Fyfe, Cambridge: Creating a popular science series: the Religious Tract Society in the 1840s

* Discussion

11:30 - 12:00

Coffee Break

12:00 - 13:00

Session 2

* John Hopkins, Leicester: The treatment of mental disorders in the British Army, 1914-1918

* Gayle Davis, Edinburgh: Aetiological constructions of `GPI' with reference to the Royal Edinburgh Asylum, 1880-1930

* Vicki Cooney, Sheffield: The impact of shell shock: suburban neurotics and the democratization of madness

* Discussion

13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:00

Session 3

* Jeremy Vetter, Oxford: A. R. Wallace, Victorian naturalist as anthropologist

* John Waller, London: Sir Francis Galton, eugenics and late 19th century biology

* Helen Blackman, Manchester: Female reproductive physiology in late Victorian England

* Discussion

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 - 17:00

Session 4

* Carsten Timmermann, Manchester: Doctors and healers in interwar Germany: the business of alternative medicine

* Marisa Chambers, Liverpool: Tropical medicine in the 20th century

* Tim Willis, Sheffield: Science, Ideology and Smallpox in 1920s Sheffield

* Dawn Woodgate, Bath: Mapping surgeons' mapping of the body: graphical renderings of visualisation, representation and dimensionality in (veterinary) surgical practice

* Discussion

Wednesday, January 13

9:45 - 11:30

Session 5

* Tim Cooper, Manchester: Computing and electronic engineering in Manchester

* David Clark, Warwick: Autonomics: computer research at the NPL, 1957-64

* Clive Cohen, London: Chemical engineering: the rise and fall of unit operations

* Sarah Glover, Edinburgh: Gender and technology in relation to pilots

* Ilaria Meliconi, Oxford: From craft to business: processes of industrialisation in Britain, 1862-1900

* Discussion

11:30 - 12:00

Coffee Break

12:00 - 13:00

Session 6

* Helen Valier, Manchester: Clinical science in Manchester

* Birgit Davies, Cheltenham: Breast cancer, patient narratives and treatment methods

* Jenny Cronin, Glasgow: The medicalization of convalescent homes 1860-1939

* Discussion

13:00 - 14:15

Lunch Break

14:15 - 15:15

Session 7

* Louise Gray, London: Fraility and illness in early modern rural Germany

* Arlene McAlister, Manchester: Three 17th century views on matter and spirit

* David Bates, Leicester: Thomas Yeoman (1709-1781): from provincial philosopher to civil engineer

* (provisional) Simon Werrett, Cambridge: 17th and 18th century Russian science and military science

* Discussion

15:15 - 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 - 17:00

Session 8

* John Tresch, Cambridge: Francois Araryo and heavenly milieu

* Sujit Sivasundaram, Cambridge: Writing the history of science and empire: a historiographic critique of George Basalla's The Spread of Western Science (1967) and its continuing hold

* (provisional) Pete Reffell, Leeds: Social construction of information in Western society

* (provisional) Nicholas Kollerston, London: Eureka and invention moments

* Discussion

Thursday, January 14

Excursion to the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry


Carsten Timmermann
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Manchester
Mathematics Tower, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Phone: +44 161 275 5929
Fax: +44 161 275 5699

Quelle = Email <H-Soz-u-Kult>

From: "Carsten Timmermann" <>
Subject: Konferenz: BSHS postgrad conference
Date: 17.12.1998

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